Do you ever wake up in the morning to find you've sprouted a monument-al spot over night? Feel like wearing a paper bag over your head until it goes away? Cos I definitely do. But ladies, gentlemen and teenagers fear not, step away from the paper bag and step towards the new Spotless Skin range from Simple! Every now and then there's a new beauty hero and this is it. There is a great face wash, moisturiser, face wipes and face scrub to keep the nasty's at bay. And if a spot should rear its ugly head you can dab on some rapid action spot zapper for targeted on the spot treatment.
'Cos we @ the FBC love our readers we are giving away complete sets of the Spotless Skin range to the first 3 readers who email us at thefbcuk@gmail.com with 'Simples' in the subject line! Include your name and address in the email and we will email you back if you are one of our lucky winners!
The range is available now at all good chemists!
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